Cudn't find a cool title...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

just about growing fat...

I had always possesed a lanky body since childhood. I always wanted to put on some weight... you know, just to look a little plump. Now this was essential. Having spent my life mostly away from home, it has always been my mother's concern that I do not eat properly... I don't take care of my health, blah blah blah... . She would often complain that whenever she sat down to eat, she would start worrying whether I was having a proper meal or not (she considers me to be quite careless in these matters, hmmm actually, bong mothers are very particular about the eating habits of their children). Looking a bit plump, I presumed would make her believe that I was indeed amongst healthy eating habits.

I tried all my life to put on weight, tried many things... indiscriminately eating and sleeping et al .... however as they say, it seemed that it was not genetically meant to be so. I was never underweight, nor did I have a tendency to put on the extra bit of baggage. But now-a-days, something seems to be happening to me. In the last four months, I have started gaining weight. Extra baggages have started sowing up in the lower portion of the body. As my work put my sports life to death and my ass perennially glued to the chair in front of my bikini babe (err.. she is my computer), I am starting to experience the fattening up phase. On a 6 foot frame, I have steadily climbed from 72 to 82 kilos in 4 months and suddenly to 85 in last week.

In my recent trip to home, mother seemed to be quite satisfied with my health. However, my ugly protruding tummy raised eyebrows. On enquiring my weight, she asked me to get into an excercise regime and maintain status quo. Father, who is a fitness freak, saw this opportunity to teach me and make me practice a few a lessons in Yoga which I reluctantly learnt from him again (i learnt and practised yoga at the age of 14 for 3 years).

However, maintaining status quo seems to be quite a task. It is the season of cakes and booze. Even though I have given up on drinking, cakes and pastries are still a delight to my tastebuds and soul. My friends have reported my regular complaining about how I am woried about putting on more weight, especially when going to indulge myself into some delights. The atheletic ones are suggesting me getting back to my sports (find time somehow..). However, it seems that I am just complaining and not taking any remedial measures. I need some action it seems.

Today morning, I found myself waking up, going for a power jog and some light-weight excercises (ofcourse, I had company else I wouldn't have got up in the first place). Like many resolutions made before, weight control is going to be one more, the aim will be to loose atleast 5 kilos. I hope to get in shape soon. Inter-hall volleyball competition is just a month away.

Monday, December 19, 2005

The bike race...

Probably it is the first time that i am getting feel of, what one may call after-effects of virtual reality in real life. Not a very avid game (read computer game), however car and bike racing games have been my regulars. Tis this regularity that started playing on mind my mind when i was off on a bike(passion+) with my wingie (on another bike-splendor) to a certain destination (Azad Hall of Res.). Before I could fully realise, both of us (may be unsconsciously) started racing down the kgp roads (heavily hurdled by speed breakers, goddamnit cudn't go above 80 kmph).
Taking neat corners had been my forte in motoracer (tm) and NFS, However this time around, my opponent was also doing good. The race was nearly neck to neck ( i lost all the corners, however passion+ happens to be better bike, so could always catch up). In the virtual arena, I have always been better than my wingie in the same. So, in the last corner, when I unconsciously (in the heat of the moment) applied my VIRTUAL experience, I was lucky to escape a major skid (and may be a major accident !). Net result, wingie beat me to reach the destination first and i just had a scare of life.
Stupid story, I may be telling. But, it made me aware, mind could play games... without my consent.

I Shud start blogging...

I must've posted a few blogs now and then, and also must have commented on a few blogs of others, but it never came across that I start blogging. Blame it on poor lexicon or writing skills, bloggging had never been an option to consider. However, reading blogs few others made me realise that, maybe those small moments in life, the ones that seem very mundane, monotonous, deserve a better treatment from me.
Hence, without going into flowery language, metaphors, similies, etc. etc. I believe that my wierdo ( that's the type i am usually attributed to) thoughts and deeds be penned (ummm rather keyed down). In short, I am writing for myself. (my misanthropic self seems to be making an attempt to surface out now, aha)